That's it for the moment. I've made my papermache pumpkin and he is now ready for painting just trying to work out the best method for painting. On the Stolloween Site the guy used flat black exterior latex paint, White Latex primer which was dry painted and then diluted Acrylics ( Orange, Yellow and Green) but I think that's going to be rather expensive to get all of the above. I asked on the Ukscrappers forum what people thought and someone suggested painting in Acrylics then once dried paint yacht varnish on and then it should make it weather proof too and cost me less in the long run. Once I have painted him I will post pics. I'm hoping to do it real soon.
There will be quite a few crafting projects to be posted this month as Ukscrappers have got Cyber Crop running on the 13th November to the 15th 09. Its a Wizard of Oz theame and I'm on the Toto Team. I have bought some of the kits and really looking forward to the classes. It's not to late to sign up and you can always use own stash if you can't get hold of the kits.
Oh wow - just read about these on the Toto forum on UKS and had to come see - they are gorgeous...x
Hi Vixen, Your dog is brilliant! you must have a lot of patience..... I love your pig too :) I'd love to do something like this but would never have the time. Sarah
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